Show your support of performing arts!
Digital Advertising
As a Bay Philharmonic sponsor, you increase brand awareness, enhance your image, and support your local community all at the same time!
Your sponsorship connects you to the most imaginative, inclusive, and engaging Bay Area entertainment experiences and diverse audiences. Associating you with all the beauty and joy of the performing arts. Making you stand out – as you support shows that are becoming the hottest tickets around.
Share your commitment to the magic and amazing power of the arts. Join us as a sponsor today.
For more information, contact:
Candy Culver
cculver@bayphil.org | 925.525.2513
Terms and Guidelines
No cancellations will be accepted after the submission is accepted. Liability of the publisher for errors is limited to the cost of the space occupied by the ad containing the error. Reasonable placement requests will be accommodated whenever possible, but cannot be guaranteed.
Files preferred as high-quality prepress printing PDFs. Ad materials accepted electronically only.
IMAGES: If supplying raw files, images must be CMYK (no RGB accepted) or grayscale at 300dpi, and all fonts and logos included.
BLACK AND WHITE: Please supply PDF/image and convert all color in logos, type, artwork, etc., to grayscale.
Previous advertisers in premium ad locations have the Right of First Refusal, these selections may not be available for the current program. Should a premium ad spot be your first choice, please include a second choice. If the premium ad space becomes available, you will be notified and if selected will be granted the same rights.